July 3, 2024
You know the famous saying “Who doesn’t have it in Google, has it in Google”? Excellent, according to the same principle, we created a new catchphrase “Whoever is not on Instagram, can live without it!”
Accordingly, the title is fully justified! Instagram has become a “holy place” for everyone who sells products/services, and we are here to give you quality and proven advice on how to become a magician on this network. All you have to do is follow us and listen. Just that much. And you can always hire us to do “magic and rituals”, and you just reap the results! The choice is yours.
The year 2020 showed that digitization and online presence is necessary, and now even crucial, for the optimal functioning of business, if not society as a whole.
Just remember the first quarter of this year and the time we spent in front of computers and phones hoping to have fun and satisfy our needs for certain products/services because we were forbidden to go out into the “real world”.
And then to remember all the creative ways that we found, and that various brands found, to enable us to stay “healthy in the head” and satisfied regardless of the circumstances during the quarantine.
New horizons have opened up, we have become more aware of the power and importance of the Internet, as well as all the positive ways in which we can use social networks to promote the values/ideas we stand behind and to share with the world everything we consider relevant. After all, we have definitely established that there is money to be made online.
Instagram plays a big role in the positioning of the brand on the Internet, and therefore in the sales we will achieve. Technically speaking, Instagram is the “soul” of your business because it allows you to present, in addition to the product, ideas, values, results, creation processes as well as all participants in the creation process of products/services. In fact, it gives you the possibility to “revive” everything you do and reduce it to the level of daily activities.
You personalize the process, demystify the idea that you are “just another series of 0s and 1s” and connect with people who benefit from your work. It’s that simple.
Or it’s not…
There are a number of ways in which you can attract attention, without it being content for 18+, and win the hearts of cold-blooded users, , difficult to like even more difficult to comment.
What you are going to publish (planetarily known as content or ti content) is certainly one of the key segments for increasing the number of interactions, but we will talk about that another time.
Strategically speaking, there are activities that will allow you to draw attention to yourself/brand and what you do. Read carefully, more than once if necessary!
If your profile is set to “private” (original: private), the chance that someone will find you, without knowing what they are looking for, is almost nil. Open profiles are easier because users can immediately access the published content (no waiting for your approval) and see if they are interested in it or not, thus deciding whether to follow you further or not. However, in order to actually enter the “game” it is necessary to set up a profile on a “business account”. Besides giving the algorithm a signal that you are there with the goal of making some money and that you need its support in that process, you open up new opportunities. The business profile allows you to have insight into the analytics (who is viewing your profile, not literally “who” but which person’s profile it is, and when), to be able to pay for an advertisement (advertising – that marketing that costs money), to enter beta testing different news that Instagram introduces (you’ll be the first to know what’s new in the “village”) and to connect with other brands by paying you to advertise through your profile or vice versa. All this is an integral part of interactions. “Who follows your profile” option, (un)popular analytics, opens the possibility to know who you are talking to, how to do it and of course at what time of day your followers are most active. Then you pack it all together, serve what they like at the time they are there and your opportunity for LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE, FOLLOW is open.
Popularly known as “tarabice”. You put a lot of tarabics under each post and may God see you. Joking aside, hashtags are there so that the algorithm understands what you’re doing, why and to whom it should forward/show your content. Also, when you start researching hashtags and posts in which they are used, it will be easier for you to understand what you need to do because you will see what others are doing, how and what the audience likes. In addition, it is a great potential to see what is missing and what you can offer.
Hashtags also make it easier for potential followers to find you. You are allowed to use up to 30 tags in a post, otherwise the police (algorithm) will be in the mode “You have exceeded the allowed number of tags, so your effort, blood, tears and sweat are in vain – this post is going to the abyss of Instagram”. You can put hashtags in the text below the picture or in the comment, experts from the net say that it is better to go directly to the accompanying text, and that it is visually more beautiful to go to the comment. Be that as it may, tarabics are your “must do” if you want someone to get in touch with you (to interact, hehe).
Objavi gde si, uključi lokaciju. Ozbiljno – obajvi odakle ti to posluješ. Ovo je posebno bitno ako tvoje poslovanje ima fizičku lokaciju. Na ovaj način olakšavaš ljudima da te nađu, tvoji postovi (objave) prikazaće se na posebnim stranicama koje formira Instagram kada označi određenu lokaciju i prilikom pretrage možeš da pogodiš tačno publiku koja ti je u blizini ili se često tuda kreće.
Takođe, omogućiće drugima da se „taguju“ da su posetili tvoj prostor, a to se onda prirodnim putem širi i drugi to vide. Faktički radi kao stara, dobra marketinška fora „od usta do usta“. Samo je ovo „od profila do profila“.
Da komšiji crkne internet pa da se veselimo. Ozbiljno sada, ti zapravo želiš da tvoja konkurencija radi dobro i uspešno. Em što učiš od njih, em što to znači da je to što ti nudiš traženo. Batali bivšu ljubav, poznate ličnosti i zaprati profile koji nude ono što ti nudiš ili barem približno tome. Vidi kako oni, upijaj znanje i primeni kod sebe. NE KOPIRAJ!!! NE KRADI SADRŽAJ!!! To nije lepo, a nije ni produktivno. Sve što treba je da skapiraš šta ljude interesuje, koje tehnike i strategije se koriste i to onda prilagodiš sebi i svojoj ponudi. A kad si već kod njih na profilu, zaprati profile koji oni prate (da bi razumeo koga oni špijuniraju i zašto) i ostavi koji komentar, lajkuj im nešto i pozovi njihove pratioce da zaprate tebe. Pokaži da si kul i da si tu.
Vrlo prost princip – „ja tebi, ti meni, ti meni, ja tebi“. Ako želiš da te prate, da ti komentarišu i lajkuju objave treba da budeš spreman da radiš to isto. I to ne samo sa konkurencijom, „bratskim“ profilima već i sa pratiocima. Zapravo, najbitnije je da radiš to sa svojim pratiocima jer oni su ti koji će da ti donesu profit, oni te čine uspešnim i od njih zavisi oćeš li se upisati „u knjigu slavih“ ili jok.
Zaprati ljude koji te prate, ostavljaj komentare, lajkuj stalno. Molim te, obrati pažnju da to što pišeš ima smisla, u suprotnom ideš u pravcu postajanja spam-era, a veruj mi to ne želiš. To donosi fijasko pre nego povećanje interakcija.
Još bitnije: odgovaraj na komentare koje ti ostavljaju na postovima. Pospešuj komunikaciju, daj sve od sebe da im bude ugodno, interesantno i opušteno. Daj sve od sebe da se vrate i komentarišu ponovo, da budeš onaj profil na koji odu kada imaju pitanje o temi koju tvoje poslovanje pokriva. Budi relevantan.
Pošto sam vrlo saosećajna i razumem da je neophodno vreme da se lekcije savladaju, a novostečeno znanje slegne – ovde stajem. Ostavljam ti prostora da prvo ovo primeniš, probaš i vidiš prve rezultate. Takođe, u skladu sa činjenicom da sam marketinški stručnjak i da mi je posao da te navučem da me pratiš, rećiču ti da je ovo samo prvi deo teksta i da te ostavjam u išćekivanju drugog dela. A pazi sad: ZAPRATI MARKLAB INSTAGRAM PROFIL jer tamo ću da ti javim kada će biti drugi deo. Vidiš, vrlo jednostavno.
Do sledećeg čitanja, vidimo se na MarkLab Insta profilu.
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Marijana Brščić
Digital Marketing Manager
MarkLab d.o.o. / Serbia
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